yes... ... ME..
please, teach me Chinese : this site is not yet updated... now i DO ... simply the annoucment for my show. but there is ton laod of work concering chinese learning as art that started in 1998 or 1999 for the vienice beinnial from the ARCHIVE - for me more relevant than ever 1999- Venice Biennial with BASIC CONFLICTS A WEBSITE... by instagram ... @rainerganahl MX gallery + Kai Matsumiya PLASE, TEACH ME CHINESE / PLEAES, TEACH ME ITALIAN, - MARX A PRATO -... july 11th . nyc . please, teach me chinese FASHION SHOW 167 canal street, 5th floor, 8 pm STARRING. Alex Shulan, Tajhi Banks, B Wurtz, Jenny Cheng Young Gun, Valerie Keane, Andrea Fourchy, Kai Matsumiya, Ala Dehghan, Alex Bienstock, Eli Ping and more
also ..D ONT FORGET. artnet news.. 9. Rainer Ganahl’s “Please, Teach Me Chinese / Please, Teach Me Italian — Marx a Prato / Gucci a Prato” at MX Gallery
also Please, teach me Chinese / Please, teach me Chinese / fashion show reference.. kunsthall vienna..
more references with Chinese language learning --SEE BASIC CHINESE WORKS on my main web site
more specific Chinese Learning works: -- BASIC CHINESE - _ an exhibition at ART COMMUN, Hong Kong,, 2005 -- Please, teach me Chinese - a show in Brussels at Elaine Levy projects, 2009 see also: I wanna be Chinese - video see also: I WANNA BE CHINESE / DINGHI E-BICYCLES - video see also: I hate Karl Marx - video see also: BYD / Mercedenz Benz - video see also: Teaching a Five Year Old a Chinese Song from the Great Cultural Revolution - video some text on LEARNING AS MY ART WORK - TRAVELING LINGJUISTICS - text see also: I wanna be Chinese - bronze sculptures
see also: see also:
Below is a list of works -
I WANNA BE CHINESE / DINGHI E-BICYCLES video, and works on paper see video here:
I wanna be Chinese -
Since the beginning of the 1990s - and under the spell of Edwar Said"s work on "orientalism", I have been learning mostly eastern languages as part of my art work. So far, Japanese, Korean, Russian *east of Europe, and since 1999 Chinese. I still keep learning even though t this web site doesn t comprise all of my chinese related works - Basic characteristics: I tape it all - to show the impossibility of representation; I use my study sheets as works on paper, I make related works where language issues are central. Learning, Reading and Teaching are part of my central part of my art work : best shown here in a larger survey show at Wallach Gallery, the Columbia University Museum in New York 2005. -- "PLEASE, TEACH ME" the Politics of Learning, Columbia University Wallach Gallery, NY 2005
more references with Chinese language learning --SEE BASIC CHINESE WORKS on my main web site
more specific Chinese Learning works: -- BASIC CHINESE - _ an exhibition at ART COMMUN, Hong Kong,, 2005 -- Please, teach me Chinese - a show in Brussels at Elaine Levy projects, 2009 see also: I wanna be Chinese - video see also: I WANNA BE CHINESE / DINGHI E-BICYCLES - video see also: I hate Karl Marx - video see also: BYD / Mercedenz Benz - video see also: Teaching a Five Year Old a Chinese Song from the Great Cultural Revolution - video some text on LEARNING AS MY ART WORK - TRAVELING LINGJUISTICS - text see also: I wanna be Chinese - bronze sculptures
see also: see also:
if you in NYC and please, teach me Chinese, please do so !! start leanring chinese from childhood on... start leanring chinese from childhood on...
also see exhibiton at Elaine Levy Projects, Brussels : I wanna be chinese
please, teach me.. contact me. a website by rainer ganahl / rainerganahl (at)